The Uncanny Counter

Hmm.. 1st k-drama yang Kakmim follow untuk 2021. Semuanya kerana Encik Suami lah ni yang ajak tengok. Ceta Korea ni kalau dah tengok sekali susah nak lepaskan diri. Matilanak.. malam ni dah live episode tapi kami baru marathon sampai episod 4.

Kakmim jarang nak follow cerita macam ni. Sebab tak suka gini lah. Lainlah masa PKP dulu memang takde buat apa kat umah. Tapi dah terlayan nak buat camne. Hihi!

Yang best ceta Korea ni mestilah story line dia agak out the box sikit. Encik Suami first time layan memang ter-kagum sana sini. Haa.. baru dia tau penangan k-drama. Baru dia faham kenapa Kakmim penah tido kol 4 sengah pagi bangun lagi kol 5. Semuanya semata-mata nak marathon CLOY. Pastu sampai opis, junior kat ofis fikir Kakmim nangis sebab gaduh dengan Encik Suami. Kah! Kah! Kah! 

Best ceta ni. Suspen thrilller. Kakmim kopipes dari Wikipedia je lah sinopsisnya ye.

In the fictional city of Jungjin, a group of four demon-hunters called the Counters bear the arduous task of searching for and banishing evil spirits (ì•…ê·€, akgwi) that escape from the afterlife to gain immortality. These evil spirits possess local human hosts who have committed murder or have a strong desire to murder, encourage their host's desire to kill, and consumes the spirit of the victim. The Counters were once under coma when a partner spirit from Yung, the boundary between the afterlife and the world of the living, possess them and give them perfectly healthy bodies and consciousness along with superhuman strength and supernatural abilities. Three of the Counters—Ga Mo-tak (Yoo Jun-sang), Do Ha-na (Kim Se-jeong) and Choo Mae-ok (Yeom Hye-ran)—pose as workers in Eonni's Noodles, a noodle restaurant which serves as their hideout.

One day, the fourth Counter Jang Cheol-joong (Sung Ji-ru) is killed in a battle against a strong "Level 3" evil spirit. As his spirit gets consumed by his killer, his Yung partner Wi-gen (Moon Sook) struggles to find a new comatose human to possess. Uncannily, she is quickly drawn towards high school boy So Mun (Jo Byung-gyu) who, despite being crippled, is nevertheless perfectly healthy and alive. As soon as Wi-gen possessed him, the unknowing Mun starts noticing bizarre changes to his body and starts seeing Wi-gen in his dreams. Soon, Mun finds the answers in Eonni's Noodles, and as he becomes the replacement to the late Cheol-joong, he finds himself in a thrilling journey of battling against bloodthirsty demons, reconnecting to his past, and uncovering the ugly truth behind a major redevelopment project in Jungjin.

Malam ni episod 9!!! Jangan lupa ye Netflix. 



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  1. Best ni ada supernatural superhuman bagai. Nak tengok lah. terjebak sama layan K-Drama. Hihi

  2. Hahahaa layan2 citer ni best!!! Walau mcm x logik la kan tp one of the best drama la so far haha..

    1. Mcm goblin jugak la.. hi bye mama.. x logik tp layan jgk 😂😂

  3. Tapi poster dia tak nampak macam Suspen thrilller je kan?

    1. Suspen bila diorg berlawan dgn evil spirit tuh.. kalo yg level 3 lg power 😂😂

  4. kite belum tengok lagi.. masuk dalam list hehe

    1. Br abis tgk ep 9.. sedih pulak mlm ni.. nnt siang marathon ye

  5. Kalau dah nangga k-drama tok, memang melekat la depan tv. Haha. Arum bulak yang dah ada full episodes ya, 3 hari ngabisnya. Aher tido pun, layan juak. Datang opis, ngantuk lalu jadinya. Haha

  6. habis la kakmim dah lekat dgn k-drama

    1. bagus jugak.. ada motivasi nk siapkan keja cepat xnak bertangguh sbb nk kena hadapkan kdrama ni.. hahaha

  7. wah menarik ni mama suka tgk cite pelik macam ni.. boleh la nak cari nanti

    1. sila sila.. hahaha... selamat menonton ye mama

  8. dok lalu la kat wall netflix cita ni, nak tgk x tau best ke dah baca..ok leh start layan, nanti baca review 2 cita korea kat blog Ayu plak, siap dah dlm list utk entry hari ni.. he he he.

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