KISS - Because I'm A Girl

Tadi.. tiba-tiba.. tengah kusyuk buat kerja. Masuk mesej dalam grup Whatsapp adik-beradik. 

Si #adikno2 ni tanya sesiapa antara kami yang ingat video klip lagu yang lelaki photographer yang buta, sebab dia derma mata kat awek dia yang accidentally buta sebab terkena tumpahan bahan kimia untuk mencuci gambar di dark room.


Krik.. krik.


Tak lama lepas tu si #adikno4 bagi link Youtube ni. Maka KLMJ lah kami bersama-sama.

Silalah tonton. Sedih!


The story begins with the scene of a photographer who was taking a picture for an automobile magazine. He accidentaly took a picture of a girl who was walking across right in front of his camera. She excused politely and went away. One day, the photographer went to a salon which by accident was the the place where the girl worked at. He left his bini in the salon by accident, leaving the girl a chance to come by his workplace to return it. So she came to his studio and returned his bini. But before she left, he made her pose as a model. They found out that they shared a same passion. He was a professional photographer and she was a girl who dreamed to be a model. They became close and spent a lot of time together. He took a lot of pictures of her and published them. One day, an accident happened while she was trying to get something from a high rack in his studio. An unlid bottle of photographic product fell and spilled on her. She was immediately taken to a hospital. The chemical of the photographic product was so toxic, it damaged her eyes so bad that she was about to never be able to see again. A miracle happened, after a while being taken care in the hospital, the doctors took off the bandages on her eyes. She opened her eyes and saw the photographer's co-worker holding a celebration cake with a candle on it. The co-worker took her to his studio, but he was not there to be found. She was so sad because she loved him so much, she thought that the photographer left her. One day when she was working, the co-worker came over and showed her the magazine he published with her as the model. She remembered about the racing place where they went together before. She found him there sitting on a bench with a dog next to him and noticed that he was blind. She stand there and suddenly cried realizing that he loved her so much that he let go the most important part of his life as a photographer and a biker for her, his eyes. She was so touched knowing that he actually gave her his eyes just so she could see again.

Actually video klip ni lama giler dah. Tetiba teringat zaman Winter Sonata dulu. Memang trending lah k-drama zaman tu. Siap beli1 koleksi cd full episode lagi. Sekarang tak perlu beli dah, langgan jer Netflix sudah. Kalau tak pun tengok kat Youtube atau link yang boleh tengok secara free. Hihi!

Ehem... Atie pas tengok gitau ye nangis ke tak? Hehehe.



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  1. kakmim!!!!! how do u know my eyes is teary right now!!! hahah ok lawakkkkk kakmim ada magic

    1. kah kah kah!! dah dah jgn nangis... sambung gelak sudahhhhh

    2. lepas baca kakmim tag atie terus tergelak hahahaha

  2. Lamaaaaa gila tak tengok video ni hahaha

  3. Kmk sik penah nangga gik cerita tok Kakmim. Baca sinopsis kedak boleh layan jakk.. TQ for sharing Kakmim :)

    1. Videoklip jak tok eza tp ada storyline nya 🤭 biasalah sidak kpop nang rare sikit

  4. Adoi teringat kawan-kawan zaman belajar. Saya tak minat kdrama tapi ulang-ulang jugakla tengok video klip lagu ni dengan diorang dalam laptop. Throwback sangat

    1. Semua KLMJ bila tgk semula videoklip ni 🤭🤭😂😂

  5. Mak aihh..lagu legend ni. Suka lagu ni dulu berapa kali dok ulang sampai boleh hafal tapi tak berapa betul lah pun..asal boleh..sedih tengok MV ni. huhu

  6. aduuu sedih juak kisah di sebalik lagu tok...huhuhuhu

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